Monday, February 7, 2011

First Entry of the New Year.... Yeah, I'm late.

For those of you who actually read this blog, my apologies for taking so long to actually do an update. I've sort of had nothing to say. I think that I might now.

Let's see if I can recap things quickly.
  • New Year came and went while I fell asleep watching CSI.
  • I'm still at the same job, I'm still looking.
  • Home is the same.
(YAWNS.... Boring right?)

What's changed you may be asking?

  • I've booked my first REAL vacation ever. It involves a plane ride, a fun screening by the TSA and getting over my reluctance to fly. In May I'll be gone for one glorious week.
  • I've decided that I need to get serious about my writing. I can't go on forever and ever with fanfiction (though I absolutely love it) and if I want to get published I need to start hustling as much material as possible. I've settled on romance and romantic thrillers though I will definitely be delving into the supernatural genre at some point because I love it so much.
So from here on out I'm going to use this blog to talk about my writing and share the random thoughts which pop into my head with whoever cares to listen. I hope that you all stick around but I understand if you don't. There's already so much stuff out there and a limited amount of time in the day.

I think that we forget how precious time really is until events happen to make us realizing that it's slipping through our fingers. There's nothing that we can do to get it back once it's gone either. I think about that often these days, what would I do if I could turn back the clock?

I know what I'd do different but that's the same as wishing for lost time back. I'd have gone to college after high school instead of screwing around at dead end jobs so I could have time to be out and party. I might have looked harder for a relationship so that I could be settled down but I'm not sure that would have worked or that it's really me. I know that if I could make changes to the past I wouldn't be where I am now. Dwelling on that won't get me anywhere.

So now I sit here wondering what's the next step? Do I start saving for online classes after my vacation saving? If so where do I direct my attention because I've got the attention span of an anxious mouse? I'll figure it out because now is the time to change what I've chosen and though I can't get back the time I can make the future a little brighter for me.

Thanks for the read, comments are always appreciated. Feel free to  be off topic. I like off topic and random.


  1. I am SO EXCITED that will be focusing more on your novels!! You are seriously the greatest writer I have EVER had the pleasure of reading, and it's about time the world gets to enjoy you as well...So proud of you, and you know I am here for you no matter what!!!

  2. Thank you Sweetheart. You're one of the reasons that I'm still writing. I'm going to be annoying you with tons of updates.

  3. I'll be over here cheering you on, darlin'. Wanna do a virtual writers' group? You send me chapters and I send you chapters?

  4. EMA that would be great. As of right now, I don't even have a chapter though. My brain is refusing to cooperate but I'll send you over what I have after I work on it a little tomorrow.

    PS-Sorry that my reply is so late.
