Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Another year flying by....

In the blink of an eye the end of 2010 will be behind us. I find that during this stressful holiday time of the year sometimes the fact a new year is starting gets lost in the shuffle.

There's so much emphasis on the material aspect of the season that the real meaning of it gets lost. This is not the time for us to be rushing through crowded stores, piling up debt just to stack presents under a tree. This is the time for us to reflect on all of the blessings that we have (and often take for granted) all 365 days of the year.

This year my emphasis is going to be on the spirit of the holiday, not driven by the need to stack boxes high beneath the tree. Honestly it's more important to preserve the quality of life that we're living now. And we should all be grateful for those things because you've just got to watch the news to see that there are people much worse off then we are.

Each year I compile a series of resolutions and most fall to the side within the first week of the New Year but this time it's going to be different. I promise myself that I will learn how to stand up for myself, find  a job where I can use the full capacity of my mind, finally finish my novel and eat healthier and exercise more. I want to be a better version of me for the New Year. Let's hope that's actually possible.

I need to believe it is and to know that I can count on my friends and family to keep me on track but above everything else I really just want to feel happy. It's been too long since I felt that.

If I'm not on before Christmas/New Years, all of you please enjoy your family and friends. Be safe and happy. But take a moment to think about what you already have and mourn for the things that you don't have.