Friday, September 10, 2010

Working for the Weekend... and the paycheck

So few of us get to do what we really love and make a living from it. For those of you blessed with this gift, be grateful because for the rest of us work is more than a chore. It's an evil, albeit a necessary one.

I've had the good fortune to have only had two serious jobs since high school and at each I found myself coming to a point where the mere idea of getting up in the morning to go there exhausts me. Last night I had a nightmare that it was morning, my alarm went off and everything and I began to get dressed with that feeling of dread/disgust swirling my stomach around. Anyone want to wonder why Pepto is my best buddy these days.

This week has been full of eye opening moments when it comes to my professional life. The first is that I'm entirely replaceable as is every other employee and they're no longer afraid to let people know it. The second is that my work place is high school with a paycheck attached to it. Gossip has a life of its own and people lie as easily as they draw breath. No one is really a friend or even to be trusted.

As anyone who has searched for a job lately knows, they're not easy to come by. The news can blabber on and on about all the new positions but guess what? They're either quickly filled or carefully hidden where I'm from.

So, I keep the job that I have. Deal as best I can at it because that's who I am and dream of something better. Something different. Something that is not the work experience I have known in my life. My situation isn't going to change unless I change it so tonight I take a baby step towards that goal.

I aspire to be a writer. I don't think I mentioned it earlier but I've written stories for as long as I can remember. I have a book nearly complete and now I'm on the verge of leaving it on my hard drive to be plundered for the newer (and better) idea that popped into my head. I mention it here and now so that you dear friends can at any time pop up and ask about my progress. Maybe that will be enough to keep me motivated.

I guess that we'll soon see.