Monday, August 9, 2010

Entry One: Introduction.

I've contemplated starting this blog for a while and now here I am. You're probably asking yourself why you should read this and I wish I had a witty answer but right now I've got nothing. This will be the world through my eyes, a place where I can make observations on things that are on my mind and have an open and respectful dialogue with anyone who does decide to read this.

I encourage people to interact with my and the other readers (hopefully they will come). However, I will not tolerate disrespectful posts (aka flaming). We're all adults here, let's try to act like it.

Like many people my age (32) I find myself in a place where I never thought I'd end up. I had a grand plan for my life, a husband, maybe a family, a home of my own and a job that fulfilled not only my need for a paycheck but my soul. As of now, I'm batting a big fat zero but things could be worse.

There's no husband (or boyfriend) in the picture but strangely I've accepted it and dare I say I'm actually often content with it. I look around me and see people in relationships where they are truly miserable but sticking around just to be able to say that they're with someone. Been there. Done that. Didn't get the tee shirt and don't want the memories. I value myself more than that.

I've got no kids but then again I spent a good four years raising three children that weren't mine biologically only to have my heart broken when they returned to their parents. I had one pregnancy that turned out to be life threatening and had to be terminated or I wouldn't be here to type this blog right now. I'm starting to think that I only planned on having children because I believed that was what expected of me.

I can't complain too much about not having my own place in this economy. I'd never be able to afford anything as nice as where I live and rent now.

I guess the point of this is that no matter how well you think you've planned your life your journey can't be predicted and you've got to get the best out of what you have because if you can't find good in it, then you're just going to be miserable.